Corporate Partnership

Corporate, local business or individual sponsors can make a substantial contribution to Kala by sponsoring an exhibition, artist residency, fellowship artist, tuition to education classes and youth art programs, an event or program.

As a nonprofit arts organization we depend on many funding sources to support creativity, innovation, education, and art-making in our community. We have a range of sponsorship opportunities designed to fit your marketing needs and we can customize recognition for your company or business. Contact for more information.

Auction Sponsorship
The spring gala and auction is a highlight each year. All proceeds from this event support Kala’s education and community arts programs. Kala’s art auction benefit is the cornerstone of our fundraising efforts and we’d love for you to participate.

Become an auction sponsor today! Join this group of supporters at levels ranging from Neighbor ($500) to Visionary ($20,000). Find out more about sponsorship levels and benefits today.


Other Ways to Support the Auction
To donate directly to Kala, click here.

Matching Gifts
Does your company have a matching gift program? Send us your company’s matching gift form to double or triple your gift!
