Seiko Tachibana’s distinctive work balances Asian tradition with minimalist modernity. She draws from the world around her but distills and refines this information.

“The ways in which many small pieces come together to make up a larger whole is a central theme in my artwork. I like to compare the marks, lines, shapes, colors, and textures that are the basic language of my work to living cells, and in the context of an individual block or panel, those cells come together to comprise an organ...In contemplating the similarities between biological structures and my work, I have discovered many different connections between ourselves and the universe in which we live.”

Tachibana completed her Masters of Art Education at Kobe University, Japan. In 1995 she received an MFA from San Francisco Art Institute. Her prints are in many public and corporate collections including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco.