Jeff Hantman creates three-dimensional mixed media works that combine photography, appropriated images and screen-printing on scrap plywood that has been salvaged from local construction sites or collected from the side of the road. These salvaged sections are often covered with oil stains and weathered paint indicating age, neglect and the passage of time out in the elements. Jeff meticulously reassembles the cast-off plywood into constructions that suggest fragments of architectural structures. These elaborately curved plywood structures are layered with screen-printed imagery. The resulting works poetically suggest faded memories of a distant past. Jeff was a Fellowship artist at Kala in 2009.

351, 2010, Mixed Media on Wood, 48x96 Fax Transmission, 2011, Mixed Media on Wood, 30x21x12 Kit5256, 2010, Mixed Media on Wood, 52x52x12 Lever, 2010, Mixed Media on Wood, 48x54x14 Motel, 2008, Mixed Media Work on Wood, 43x35x5 On Off, 2008, Mixed Media on Wood, 31x25x7