Cari Hernandez
Class #57
Saturday-Sunday, June 16-17, 10am-4pm
Tuition $192 Materials $85 Total Cost $277
This is a hands-on class that will focus on advancing basic encaustic painting techniques through refinement and introduction of new materials and techniques. After basic painting techniques have been mastered, specific issues arise when working with wax such as: scale/working large, differing formulas of medium as a way to control an over-all desired effect, mixing your own paints, and exploring non-traditional supports (such as Plexi & metal). These topics will all be explored in this class, as well as working with fiber, paper clay, hand-made stencils, scraping & incising, oil sticks, pouring techniques, sculpting, incorporation of photographs, and advanced under painting techniques. This class is designed for students who understand encaustic safety issues, how to prime their panels with an appropriate choice of grounds, basic fusing techniques and painting skills. Enrollment is limited to 15 students.
Cari Hernandez is an exhibiting artist with representation in San Francisco, Carmel & Tucson. She is am on the Executive Board of International Encaustic Artists, where she has directed the past two annual retreats and conferences. Hernandez teaches and lectures nationally, including lectures at National Encaustic Conferences held at Montserrat College in Massachusetts. She is passionate about each student finding her unique voice in this medium through the exploration of extermination and skill refinement.