Introduction to Printmaking

Tomoko Murakami

Class #70: Wednesdays, August 8- September 5, and Thursday, September 7, 6-9pm
Tution $434

For beginners, this course will provide an intensive experience with the medium of printmaking. Students will be introduced to a wide variety of processes including Monotype, Relief, Collagraph and Intaglio, while emphasis is placed on the development of intuition through tactile experiences in a wide range of image making processes. No prerequisite required.

Tomoko Murakami is a multi disciplinary artist who explores the medium of printmaking as a multi-dimensional art form, bringing attention to new possibilities in the mixed media art world). She received her MFA in printmaking from San Francisco Art Institute and MA in Transformative Arts from John F. Kennedy University. She is a recipient of the 1992 Kala Art Institute Fellowship and 2008 Susan Boulet Award. Her work has been presented by Gloria Delson Fine Arts in Los Angeles, Gallery on the Rim in San Francisco, Tomura Gallery in Tokyo, Richmond Art Center, and Sebastopol Center for the Arts. Currently, she teaches at CCA, and NIAD Art Center.