Class #76: Sundays, August 12, 19, 26, 10am-4pm
This is an excellent course for beginners interested in the stone lithography process. This workshop will cover how to prepare and grain a stone for drawing, the use of various drawing materials, techniques for etching proofing and editioning stones, and includes additional resource and examples.
Dana Harris was born in El Granada, California. She received her MFA from San Jose State University (SJSU) in 2011. She resides in Ben Lomond, California with her fiancé, two chickens, an etching press, and a lithography press. She has an identical twin sister, her relationship with whom influences her work greatly. Her prints focus mainly on the underlying truths in memory and how sharing a mutual history influences, interrupts and obscures life in the present. She won the Auvil Printmaking assistantship at SJSU two years in a row, as well as Second Place Print in the Triton Museum’s Statewide Drawing and Printmaking show in 2010. She was an Artist in Residence at Kala Art Institute from February through April 2012.