Doug Garth Williams
Class #64: Saturday-Sunday, July 14-15, 10am-4pm
Tuition $215
Image: Doug Garth Williams, Still from This Video Sells Itself, 2010
With After Effects, editors, producers and animators can create sophisticated motion graphics and composite layers of QuickTime movies and graphics files. After Effects provides the control and professional quality output previously reserved for commercial post-houses. This intensive two-day course focuses on After Effects' interface and basic features.
Doug Garth Williams makes work that explores perception and the apparent ease with which it can be altered. These investigations take the form of videos, interactive installations, and public interventions. Often using himself as a subject, they tend towards the reflexive, humorous and uncanny. His work is made with the hope of playfully confounding expectations and eliciting those tenuous unguarded moments of questioning. Over the last year Doug has received a Franklin Furnace Fund Award, a Murphy and Cadogan Fellowship, the Herringer Family Award for Excellence in Art, won two jury prizes at festivals, served sporadically as a Visiting Adjunct for Experimental Video at Mills College and had 13 different pieces shown in more than 18 exhibitions and screenings in galleries, museums, and festivals around the world. This has included a two person show at Swarm Gallery in Oakland, California and solo shows at The Royal Nonesuch Gallery in Oakland, California and at Chashama Windows space in New York, in conjunction with the Franklin Furnace Fund and National Endowment for the Arts.