Mary V. Marsh
DOB 1956
AKA: Quite Contrary Press

2018, linocut, handset type on Arches Lightweight, 12.5" x 9.75"

2016, Handset type, lino, polymer letterpress, 7.5" x 6.75"

2016, Handset type, polymer plates, linocut and watercolor on Rives BFK, 5.75" x 3.75"

2016, Handset type, polymer plates, linocut and watercolor on Rives BFK, 5.75" x 3.75"

2014, Linocut, handset type, letterpress printed

2016, Linocut and handset type letterpress, 15" x 17"

2013, Linocut, handset type, 15" x 10.5"

2012, Linocut, handset type, 15" x 10.5"

2014, Blockprint, Letterpress Display Type, 21" x 15"

2014, Blockprint on checkout card, 5" x 3"

2013, Blockprint on checkout card, 5" x 3"

2014, Blockprint, Letterpress Display Type, 21" x 12.5"

2014, Hand Set Type, Polymer Plates, Hardcover Slipcase

2014, Blockprint, Letterpress Display Type, 21" x 15"

2013, Blockprint on checkout card, 5" x 3"

2010, Blockprint on checkout card, 5" x 3"

2013, hancut rubberstamps and letterpress on Arches, hand bound

2008, linocut on checkout card

2010, linocut over transfer on Rives BFK

2010, linocut over transfer on Rives BFK

2010, lincout over tansfer on Rives BFK

2011, linocut on Rives BFK